Ubuntu 14.04 LTS update breaks internet access [Solved]

Last night I ok’d the usual upgrades on my Ubuntu 14.04 LTS desktop and upon restart I was unable to acquire an internet connection.

After a bit of google (via windows) I found enough information to repair the Network Manager on my Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) machine AND how to prevent the install from happening again next time.

When I checked the error message it told me that the Network Manager had crashed.

[1] First I used the following command to find out what the latest installs had been:

$ tail -n25 /var/log/apt/history.log

The install had included:
which I determined were related to the Network Manager

[2] With further searching I found the page (see link below) that told me I could copy the previous version files into the apt-get archives and install them:

[2.1] moved out the files (above) from /var/cache/apt/archives
[2.2] Downloaded and copied into /var/cache/apt/archives:


[2.3] Then install each with:
dpkg -i libnl-3-200_3.2.21-1_amd64.deb libnl-genl-3-200_3.2.21-1_amd64.deb libnl-route-3-200_3.2.21-1_amd64.deb

[2.4] Restart Ubuntu and voila! All good again. 

This is the link to the article I found helpful.

Now, I’m just not sure how to ‘pin’ the version so it will not keep updating (at least until they fix this).

[UPDATE] Found this post about how to lock the version of the libnl apps (note that I locked everything that had libnl in the app name, so that was 19 files)

p.s. Also, I found it tedious to try to report this to ubuntu and finally gave up… it needs to be easier to report a bug.

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